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History Curriculum

The Furness Academy History curriculum for each year group is detailed below. 

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

  • Topic 1: British Migration 500 BC – AD 1066 (Celts; Romans; Saxons; Vikings)
  • Topic 2: The Roman Empire and Roman Government
  • Topic 3: The Medieval World
  • Topic 4: Medieval Islam
  • Topic 5: Introduction to the Renaissance 1500-1700.
  • Topic 1: The Tudors and the Stuarts 1485-1605
  • Topic 2: The English Civil War
  • Topic 3: The Plains Indians
  • Topic 4: Britain 1750-1900 (Including a local history study – Industrial Barrow-in-Furness)
  • Topic 5: Life in Britain: a Twentieth Century Social History
  • Topic 1: The First World War
  • Topic 2: Crime and Punishment Through Time (From the Anglo-Saxons to Victorian England)
  • Topic 3: The Inter War Years
  • Topic 4: The Second World War

Number of lessons:

  • Number of lessons: Two KS3 History lessons per week.
  • One formal assessment per topic: an end of unit assessment. Students will be given the opportunity to reflect on their work after each assessment and set targets for future progress
  • Knowledge recall will be assessed through regular retrieval practice quizzes (four times per unit).
  • Use of peer and self-assessment throughout each unit of work.
  • End of year assessment: knowledge recall and key skills.

All students need to carry the following equipment in pencil cases in their bags.

  • Pencil
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Laptop
  • One formal assessment per topic: an end of unit assessment. Students will be given the opportunity to reflect on their work after each assessment and set targets for future progress
  • Knowledge recall will be assessed through regular retrieval assessments (five times per unit).
  • Use of peer and self-assessment throughout each unit of work.
  • Check your child is engaging with homework tasks set online to prepare for knowledge recall tests and assessments.

We are currently reviewing our enrichment opportunities throughout all year groups.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Key Knowledge and content in Year 10

  • Topic 1: Medicine and Treatment in Britain c.1250-Present Day
  • Topic 2: Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-1991

Key Knowledge and content in Year 11

  • Topic 1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England c.1060-1088
  • Topic 2: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939

Number of lessons:

  • Three KS4 History lessons per week.

The ability to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the time periods studied. (Assessment Objective 1)
  • Explain and analyse historical events and time periods using concepts such as similarity, difference, change and continuity over time, causation, consequence and significance. (Assessment Objective 2)
  • Use, analyse and evaluate sources and make judgements based on knowledge of the past. (Assessment Objective 3)
  • Analyse, evaluate and judge different interpretations of the past. (Assessment Objective 4)

Year 10:

  • Mid Unit and End of Unit formal written assessments – exam questions.
  • Regular knowledge recall tests.
  • External exams at the end of Year 11:
    • Paper 1: Medicine in Britain 1250-Present Day (30%) 1 hour 15 minutes
    • Paper 2 – 1 hour 45 minutes:
      • Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (20%) and
      • The American West 1835-1895 (20%)
    • Paper 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (30%) 1 hour 20 minutes

Year 11: 

    • Mid Unit and End of Unit formal written assessments – exam questions.
    • Regular knowledge recall tests.
    • External exams at the end of Year 11:
      • Paper 1: Medicine in Britain 1250-Present Day (30%) 1 hour 15 minutes
      • Paper 2 – 1 hour 45 minutes:
        • Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (20%) and
        • The American West 1835-1895 (20%)
      • Paper 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (30%) 1 hour 20 minutes

All students need to carry the following equipment in pencil cases in their bags.

  • Pencil
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Laptop
  • KS4: Check your child is engaging with homework tasks set online to prepare for knowledge recall tests and assessments.

We are currently reviewing our enrichment opportunities throughout all year groups.