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Assessment and reporting
at the heart of the community
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Assessment and reporting
The Furness Academy Modern Foreign Languages curriculum for each year group is detailed below.
Organisation of the subject:
Students have two 50-minute lessons each week in MFL. In Year 7, all students study French. There are two top sets (one on each side of the year group) and the remaining groups are mixed ability.
Key Knowledge and content:
Students will develop their understanding of phonics, vocabulary and grammar in different contexts during Year 7 in order for them to be able to use the language in a variety of settings. They will also learn about the culture and customs of French-speaking countries.
Les descriptions
Au collège
Mes passe-temps
La belle France en été
Organisation of the subject:
In Year 8, the top sets on both sides of the year group will study Spanish whilst the remainder will continue with their study of French to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding. Students have two 50-minute lessons each week in French or Spanish. There are two top sets (one on each side of the year group) and the remaining sets are mixed ability.
Key Knowledge and content:
Students will build on their understanding of phonics, vocabulary and grammar from Year 7 as well as French culture and will apply their understanding in a variety of different contexts.
Ma zone
T’es branché(e)?
Those students studying Spanish will be introduced to the sounds, vocabulary and grammar in Spanish as well as the culture of Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
Mi insti
Mi familia y mis amigos
Mi ciudad
Organisation of the subject:
In Year 9, the top sets in Spanish continue with their study of Spanish, but most students will continue with their study of French. Students have two 50-minute lessons each week in French or Spanish. There are two top sets (one on each side of the year group) and the remaining sets are mixed ability.
Key Knowledge and content:
Students studying French will build on their understanding of phonics, vocabulary and grammar from Year 8 as well as French culture and will apply their understanding in a variety of different contexts.
Chez moi chez toi
Bien dans sa peau
Those students studying Spanish will continue to develop their understanding of the sounds, vocabulary and grammar in Spanish as well as the culture of Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
Mis vacaciones
Todo sobre mi vida
En forma
Number of lessons:
Students develop their skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition to this, students develop other skills through their study of a modern foreign language, which can benefit them greatly in later life, such as problem solving, decoding (using resources to work out meaning), working in a group and leadership skills.
There is no specific equipment needed for this subject other than a laptop. Knowledge organisers are posted on Microsoft Teams to support students with their learning.
Access to a bilingual dictionary would be beneficial.
Students’ understanding of the phonics, vocabulary and grammar is assessed through the modalities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are two synoptic assessments at different points during the year. Different skills are targeted in these assessments but receptive and productive skills are always tested. Throughout the year, formative assessments and a variety of tasks are used such as vocabulary testing, application of grammar in translation tasks, dictation, online quizzes and extended writing to gain an overview of students’ understanding of the target language.
Your positive attitude towards language learning is essential if your child is to experience success. Encourage your child to learn vocabulary on a regular basis. Ask them to teach you a new word every day or week.
You can also test your child on their vocabulary.
Encourage your child to use language-learning apps like Duolingo or Memrise to have some fun with the language they are studying and to increase their vocabulary. They can also use Seneca, Quizlet, Kahoot and Blooket to practise their French and Spanish.
Encourage your child to listen to French or Spanish music.
Students have enjoyed educational visits to France and Spain in the past and these have allowed them to practise their language skills in authentic situations. In addition, we are currently trying to make links with schools abroad, both in France and Spain. Students who would like to extend their language learning and cultural knowledge can attend our languages club.
Organisation of the subject:
In Year 10, students have 3 lessons of MFL per week. They are taught in mixed ability groups and the work is adapted to enable students to access Foundation and Higher Level.
In Year 11, students continue to have 3 lessons of MFL per week. They are taught in mixed ability groups and work is adapted to enable students to access Foundation and Higher Level.
Key Knowledge and content:
Students follow the AQA specification. There are three themes that are studied across the two-year course.
Theme 1: People and lifestyle
Topic 1: Identity and relationships with others
Topic 2: Healthy living and lifestyle
Topic 3: Education and work
Theme 2: Popular culture
Topic 1: Free-time activities
Topic 2: Customs, festivals and celebrations
Topic 3: Celebrity culture
Theme 3: Communication and the world around us
Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest
Topic 2: Media and technology
Topic 3: The environment and where people live
In Year 10, students study a selection of the topics from all three themes in order to allow them to transfer vocabulary, grammar and structures from one theme to another across a variety of units. The remaining topics are covered in Year 11.
In Year 11, French students study the remaining topics below thus building on their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. These topics tend to cover more complex, global themes, but also link in with topics relevant to students’ current circumstances, such as making choices about their future.
In Year 11, Spanish students will study the following topics:
Number of lessons:
They are taught in a small mixed ability group and work is differentiated to enable students to access Foundation and Higher Level.
Students develop their skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition to this, students develop other skills through their study of a modern foreign language, which can benefit them greatly in later life, such as problem solving, decoding (using resources to work out meaning), inferring meaning, working in a group and leadership skills.
In Year 10:
Students are assessed formally and informally throughout the year in listening, speaking, reading and writing. In listening and reading, assessments take the form of online quizzes, translation from French or Spanish into English, multiple choice questions based on longer spoken and written passages and longer written answers either in French/Spanish or English. In speaking, students are assessed using past speaking examination questions, such as reading aloud, photocards, role-play and general conversation questions. In writing, students apply their understanding of vocabulary and grammar by practising the type of questions they will be expected to complete in the GCSE paper, starting with shorter tasks and resulting in longer extended pieces.
In Year 11:
Students’ understanding is assessed formally and informally during the Autumn Term in the four modalities of language (listening, speaking, reading, writing). Past papers in listening and reading give a good indication of students’ understanding and where further work needs to be carried out. In the Spring Term and Summer Term, students will complete these papers to give them examination practice and will focus on their preparation for the oral and written examinations.
Students are entered at either Foundation Tier (Grades 1-5) or Higher Tier (Grades 4-9) for all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
The speaking examination usually takes place in April/May.
The listening, reading and writing examinations usually take place in May/June.
Details of the format of these examinations are given below:
A variety of written tasks, including writing a message, a short passage, a translation
from English into French or Spanish, a structured writing task and a more open-ended writing task based on the topics covered in Year 10 and Year 11.
Students would be advised to purchase a French-English/English-French or a Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary for use at home and at school.
In order to support your child, you should encourage them to learn vocabulary every week and to practise their speaking skills, which could include recording themselves on their phone reading out a piece of written French or Spanish in order to practise their pronunciation.
Websites such as Duolingo, Memrise, Quizlet and Seneca provide excellent revision opportunities as does in Spanish.
The world’s best way to learn French – Duolingo
Learn a language. Memrise is authentic, useful & personalised.
Free Homework & Revision for A Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2 (
You could also encourage your child to listen to French or Spanish music or the news in French or Spanish on websites such as News in Slow French – French Podcast (subscription required) or /
They could also read French or Spanish newspapers online.
15 Free Online Newspapers to Learn French with the News (
Students may have the opportunity to travel abroad during their GCSE course or to make contact with other French/Spanish schools.
Furness Academy is part of Furness Education Trust, an exempt charity.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2024/2025 Furness Academy