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Furness Family Virtual Choir

Mrs Larcombe would like to launch the Furness Family Virtual Choir. 💕🎤

Pupils, students, parents, carers, friends and staff members from across Furness Education Trust are invited to join in our first virtual choir sing-along. 😁

Our first song is John Lennon’s Imagine, using music from this link >

We would like you to send your videos to us, via message on Facebook or email to Mrs Larcombe of you alone, or with your family singing along to this track and when we have lots of videos we will make a wonderful #FurnessFamily choir video to share with you all. 😎🥰🎤👍

REMEMBER: make sure you are playing the song through headphones so when you send us the video, the only sound we can hear is you singing. 🎧

We can’t wait to start receiving your videos 😁😁😁

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