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Careers Guidance


Furness Academy has a comprehensive Careers Education programme. This is led by Mrs A Rawlinson, Director of PSHE, Careers and Guidance, supported by the wider Personal Development team. This programme is implemented as a spiral curriculum, starting in Year 7 and progressing through the student’s time with us, culminating in detailed preparation for further education or the world of work in Year 11. Our curriculum is constantly evolving, both in formal Personal Development lessons taught in the classroom, to more interactive learning in the workplace, educational visits, presentations, lectures and much more.  

Key aims of the Careers Guidance curriculum and programme is to provide students with practical, meaningful education and experiences surrounding the world of work, expand their expectation of opportunities available and have the tools to manage in an ever-changing and shifting work landscape. She believes, it is crucial that students are taken on a journey of careers progression which equips them from the beginning of their journey at Furness Academy to leave us with the skills and abilities to become valuable members of the workplace and their community. We aim for students to be confident in their own abilities, and understand their value in the world of work, knowing they can achieve their careers goals, aims and aspirations.  

The programme develops students confidence and independence, it aims to remove barriers to ensure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.  

The objectives for the careers programme are as follows: 

  • helping students to understand the changing world of work 
  • facilitating meaningful encounters with employers for all students 
  • supporting positive transitions post 16 & post-18
  • enabling students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities 
  • helping students to develop the skills, attitudes and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work 
  • encouraging participation in continued learning, higher education and apprenticeships 
  • supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity 
  • contributing to strategies for raising achievement, particularly by increasing motivation. 

Mrs Rawlinson can be contacted via email at or phone via 01229 484270. All information will be reviewed annually. Next review date is September 2023.


Measure and Assessment of Impact

Evaluation activities are used to measure the impact of our career programme and inform future planning. We also make sure that our curriculum is up to date by checking it against national frameworks. The steps we take to ensure our curriculum has a positive impact on our students include:

  • Analysis of destination data
  • Activity surveys
  • Destination data – sustained data (DfE), school level data
  • Lesson drop-in
  • Questionnaires – students, staff, parents, external partners
  • Focus groups – students, staff, careers champions
  • Student evaluation of personal guidance interviews
  • Global Bridge data
  • Compass Plus data, to check against Gatsby
  • Benchmark activities against current CDI audit


Careers Policies

Useful Links


A number of events, integrated into the Academy careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into the academy to speak to students and/or their parents. Please speak to Mrs Rawlinson to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

T Levels

Furness College are now offering T Level qualifications. They are available in Digital, Health, Science and Education & Childcare and are equivalent to 3 A Levels. If you want to find out more about studying T Levels, please take a look at the presentation here from Assistant Principal Curriculum Sue Hannan. There is also more information on their website:

National Careers Service exam results and next steps webinars for parents and carers

With exams ending, many pupils will be preparing to take their next step into further academic studies or the workplace – which we know can be confusing and feel a bit daunting.

Throughout the summer, the National Careers Service is running a series of webinars for parents and carers of young people who are expecting their exam results this August. They will be able to learn more about how to support their children with advice about choices and careers, including useful information sources, advice for results day and a Q&A with a panel of experts. The webinars schedule is now available.

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